Homebrew ...

This time starting off with more modest wheat beers as detailed below:
Brewing Notes
Batch ID: 001 Edge Labs Maiden Draught
Date Started: 070105 Date Bottled: 0701
Duration: Days
Subject: Cascade Draught "Spicy Ghost"
Ingredients: 1 kg Coopers brewing sugar
Yeast: Cascade Bohemian
Bottle Primer/Additives:
Volume - Start: 24 L End: L
Temperature - Start: °C End: °C
Specific Gravity - Start: 035 End:
X 0.14 + .5 % = Total Alcohol: %
Notes: Lid seal failed, replacement lid fitted after 24 hrs. Slow, steady action.
Batch ID: 002 Golden Edge Wheat Beer
Date Started: 070105 Date Bottled: 0701
Duration: Days
Subject: Morgans Golden Sheaf Wheat Beer
Ingredients: 1 kg Coopers brewing sugar
Yeast: Morgans Ale
Bottle Primer/Additives:
Volume - Start: 24 L End: L
Temperature - Start: °C End: °C
Specific Gravity - Start: 030 End:
X 0.14 + .5 % = Total Alcohol: %
Notes: Sugar not put in till after all water, so may not have disolved properly. Over active start pushing froth thru airlock.
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